Dynamic Web Magic with Next.js

Transforming Concepts into Seamless User Experiences

Hi! I'm Atharva, a Full Stack Web Developer based in India.

I prioritize client collaboration, fostering open communication
I'm very flexible with time zone communications
I constantly try to improve
My tech stack
  • React.js
  • Tailwind
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • Cloudflare
  • Ethers.js
  • solidity
  • Node.js
  • PostgresSQL
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Hono
  • Figma
A Tech savvy enthusiast, with a passion for development and design.
The Inside Scoop
Currently building a Resume to Portfolio Generator.
Do you want to start a project together?

A small selection of recent projects


Magma Clone

A 3D scrollable clone of Magma, made entirely in javascript using locomotive for smooth scroll along with GSAP.


Yoom - Video Conferencing App

Simplify your video conferencing experience with Yoom. Seamlessly connect with colleagues and friends.


Medium but Better

A blogging website with a Serverless backend utiizing Hono and Cloudflare workers along with connection pooling using Prisma


Zed for Windows (Unofficial)

Build the Zed Code Editor based on Rust from Source for Windows which isn't available officially yet.

My Achievements

    1st Runner Up, Arweave Hacker House Cohort #1
    1st Runner Up, Arweave Hacker House Cohort #1
    2nd Runner-Ups Hackvengers.
    2nd Runner-Ups Hackvengers.
    GDSC Web Development Lead
    GDSC Web Development Lead

My Experiences

My Approach

Planning and Strategy

We'll collaborate to map out your website's goals, target audience, and key functionalities. We'll discuss things like site structure, navigation, and content requirements.

Development and Progress Updates

Once we agree on the plan, I cue my lofi playlist and dive into coding. From initial sketches to polished code, I keep you updated every step of the way.

Deployment & Launch

This is where the magic happens! Based on the approved design, I'll translate everything into functional code, building your website from the ground up.